And it has only been 10 days into the new year. First, I receive news that I have extremely high cholesterol, and that I need to take medication right away. Now, I received this alarming news in a letter. No phone call, no nothing, just a letter. I know that it is not devastating news, but I would have at least have liked to talk about the situation before they decided to just put me on meds, I am only 31. Oh well, maybe that is just me.
Second, I am trying to get back in the work world, but also, try to spend as much time with my family. I know, not an easy task. Well, I got a wonderful interview, for a job that I thought I could balance working and still being with my children perfectly. Well, I didn't get it and I was somewhat devastated. I guess the only thing I could really do was cry. My heart was just a little bit broken, and I actually kind of feel silly admitting that. Because, I felt like, why are you crying? This is not the end of the world, my kids are healthy, I am healthy (well according to the note from my Doctor I am not), and I have food on the table, etc. Cowboy up (I think that is the saying), and stop being a baby. But I just couldn't...
Third, we had no heat. Well, when you live in New England in January you REALLY need heat. So, my good old dad came over (what would I do without him) and tried to fix it, but it really wasn't a simple fix so he couldn't fix it. So he gave us a lot of space heaters, and we would have to call the oil company in the AM. Urghh, well they came over in the AM, and the good news was they were able to fix it and it only cost us $150, but the bad news is that it could keep happening, because it has something do with the wind, and the venting, I don't really know...all I really know is that it is going to be a
LONG New England winter.
I know those things I can weather. But it is just hard. I need to get out of this funk, and push forward. So I decided to stop complaining, and try to be better...
What that means in my mind right now I am not sure, but I am hoping I can see things more clearly...